Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The idea of altruism is all around us all the time. Altruism can be defined as being selfless or the concern for others. Altruism is most common in social structures that contain complex social atmospheres. My thoughts on altruism are on the fence because it is difficult to tell if someone is acting generous towards you due to a true care, or just their need to not been seen differently by the social group. A real life example of altruism to me is when romantic relationships are involved. When emotions and romantic feelings are being expressed between two people things can get sticky. A nice girl could get so wrapped up in a relationship with a guy and betray her best friend. I think in general humans are a race that will look after themselves before others, although there are exceptions. So coming back to a real life example of altruism. A very close friend of mine was seeing this guy for quite some time and saw a future becoming of them. Another friend of ours (lets call her girl B) was approached by the guy seeing girl A. Girl B knowing how much girl A liked this guy didn't give him the time of day. Girl B knew that if she acted flattered by this guy's behavior, and gave into his offers it would very much upset Girl A. This guy is a good looking guy and some girls would accept his offer but due to altruism and the care for other people Girl B chose to be respectful and put her own wants to the side. Altruism is a very complex thing especially in social situations, but it is also a breath of fresh air to know that people really do care and will do the right thing simply for the good of others.

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  1. Delivery (5), Relevance (5), Expression (5), Knowledge of topic (5), Total: 20/20.
